News - 27/01/2023
In 2022, Brazil rose three positions in the ranking of the Global Innovation Index (GII), a study developed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (OMPI/WIPO). The index measures the performance of the innovation ecosystems of 132 economies and identifies global trends in innovation, through the analysis of the following pillars: institutions, human capital and research, infrastructure, market sophistication and business sophistication.
The GII is a valuable benchmarking tool used to better guide national innovation efforts. As recommendations, the report points out that countries should have a clear innovation policy and adopt innovation in all spheres and actions of government. In addition, priority should be given to aligning intellectual property policies with innovation policies.
In the coming years, Brazil is expected to adopt such measures, investing, for example, in optimizing the patent registration process carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), whose slowness has resulted in a constant drop in requests by Brazilian inventors. According to experts in Technology and Innovation, despite the advance in innovation rates, the lower rate of patents reflects the retreat of the country’s industrialization over the last few years and the difficulties in the field of scientific research.
Expectations, however, are positive. There is a forecast that the deadlines for the final technical decision of patent applications and trademark registrations will be reduced, at the same time that the discussion about the need to improve the Brazilian industrial property legislation should be renewed, results to be obtained through collaboration between public and private spheres.